When assisting a client on a couple of occasions, we have run into what appear to be two bugs in task sequence deployment.
When going through the normal steps of deploying a task sequence it asks you to select the distribution points you wish to put the content onto.
According to the client this was in fact done, however, the task sequence simply would not show up on client devices. Bug one?
The simple fix:
Right click the task sequence in SCCM and select “update distribution point”
Go through the prompts selecting the desired distribution points and hit okay.
That’s It!
Another bizarre situation I have seen is for when particular devices that should be receiving the task sequence are not.
What the issue ended up being was that even though SCCM was set to “automatically approve computers in trusted domains(recommended)”, and the device was in the trusted domain, it was not being approved.
Another simple fix:
Find the device in devices by either mac-address (may need to add the column header), or name.
Right-click and approve!
Now, those are two quirky things I have encountered but here are some other things you can check:
The device has an IP that is in a boundary and boundary group in the administration tab and that boundary group is associated with the distribution point where the content is hosted.
The task sequence has actually been deployed. Not sure? Check the monitoring tab under deployments or single click the task sequence in “software library”>”operating systems” and click deployments at the bottom of the screen.
The task sequence was deployed to the correct collection
Network issues - Are servers reachable, etc..
Issues with Config Manager Client if using software center for deployment
Invalid boot image in the task sequence.